Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Drugs Destroy Lives

Let’s start by defining what drugs are because we not just referring to your cocaine and crystal meth, alcohol could be considered as drugs as well. We all know drugs are harmful to the user and we know the effects it has on them. I would like to focus the attention more on the family of the drug abuser. Maybe taking a different approach to drug use awareness might just get the message across. I have someone in my family who took drugs and he and I used to engage in a lot of deep conversations, I used to enjoy our conversations until he began taking drugs and it changed him, from his appearance to the way he behaves. When I look at him I can’t help but think of the times we shared and it makes me so sad to the point where I start to miss the person he used to be because I don’t know the person that I see at family gatherings anymore, He is quiet and he hardly talks. This could be an opportunity for public relations practitioners because social media could provide a platform for families that are affected by drugs, where they could share their experiences as to how having a family member using drugs affected them and their lives. Having other drug users share their experiences is good but I feel like hearing how our family feels or hearing what they had to go through would give a drug user that extra shove to stop. Social media reaches masses anywhere anytime that’s why it’s still a go to for promoting, raising awareness and so on. The challenges might be that not everyone is tech savvy so it won’t reach or social media might not be relevant to everyone. Like how our grannies and aunties always ask us as their children to help them with their phones.


  1. I agree with u social media is the best place and to publish what is happening around us special when it comes to what u said about drugs are killing our young .so working together us group and using our social media to make people know what drug's is doing to our children can stop or prevent the killing of our generation .

    1. true because we as youth love social media so what better place to raise awareness then that very thing they love.

  2. Social media is really the only platform where information can come across to the public really and you captured that. It's a great point that you added by looking at the drug abuse from a different perspective cause to understand something fully you need both perspective.

    1. true, and maybe we may discover other perspectives like friends and neighbors the list may go one because as much as we might not like to admit we are all connected and the decisions we make affect other people without us even realising it

  3. You make some valid points with regards to sharing the narrative of what the families go through, as we are often only exposed to what the addicts are going through - which just ends up being a one sided narrative. Social media is a great start as it is wide reaching and developing hashtags and getting the conversation going would be a great tool to allow families and friends from all walks of life to share their stories. Even in movies we are not always told the stories from the side of the families - the addict is always the centre of the focus. Check out a movie called beautiful boy - it really highlights the struggles that families go through with addicts.

    1. that is so true actually and i will check that movie out, thank you

  4. Indeed drugs have taken over and ruined our nation young and old, the poor or rich. It's now our responsibility as a society to share on any platform we are exposed to the after effects of this slow destroyer of lives

  5. yes i like that, it doesn't just happen to one type or a specific group of people, it can happen to anybody

  6. People out here need to be careful and take guard if their lives. It really isn't a great thing seeing your peer suffereing in that eay and not being able to help

    1. They really do, also need to not give in to peer pressure because in most cases when you ask them why they do what they do, they'll respond with peer pressure.



Drugs Destroy Lives Let’s start by defining what drugs are because we not just referring to your cocaine and crystal meth , alcohol co...